Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Picnics and Wonderful Friends

Yesterday, I was incredibly excited to see an old friend. So excited, I just about needed to be sedated. I'm currently broke as a joke, so I arranged for a good, old-fashioned picnic, which, if you haven't been on one lately, you should do it. When you go, make your way to Synergy Park (or a Piney Woods equivalent).

Simply Gorgeous. I love East Texas.
We were greeted by pleasant weather, which is incredible for Texas in August, and we sat at this spot for three hours laughing, catching up, and giving our best Kristen Wiig and Rebel Wilson impersonations.

Before this glorious summer closes, make your way outside. Grab a fishing pole for an afternoon, or give frog giggin' at midnight a try, (and you should take me because that is the most fun). You can simply take a walk or go paddle boarding. Get out, find beauty in the small things, and soak up the sun. Breathe in fresh air and meditate on what you want to accomplish and what you're thankful for.

She's the absolute cutest.
Current inspiration: Lonely Planet's travel guide to France, Royals by Lorde, Goodwill, bronze skin.

Business meeting: follow me on twitter, kik, instagram, vine, gifboom, and add me on facebook. You can find me so easily. My name is hayleybrunner on every media outlet around. Let's be friends? I'm dying to get to know you!

à bientôt

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Challenge For a Challenge

I'm challenging myself to thirty days of writing. I want to challenge YOU!


Go out of your way to make someone smile.
Reach out to an old friend.
Anonymously perform a kind act.
Give yourself five minutes and meditate on thankfulness.
Call your mom, dad, sister, or whoever and tell them that they're the bees knees and the cat's pajamas!
Make your bed.
Drink lots of water.
Think of five places you would love to go.
Tell someone the cheesiest joke you can think of.
Give a compliment to a stranger.
Tip someone well.
Surprise someone.
Smile more.
Plan something fun.
Set a task for today and accomplish that task.
Live with courage.
Google pictures of baby sloths wearing pajamas.

Let me just help you out on this last one:

On my goodness. I just can't handle this. For more on baby sloths, click here.

The Possibilities are ENDLESS. You can make today positively perfect. Choose joy today!

Today's inspiration was brought to you by: the color yellow, a sweet text from a sweet friend, a hopeful prayer, insomnia, and waking up in an unreasonably good mood.

Lastly, challenge me! Leave comments, give opinions or love!

à bientôt

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Crepes. I feel fancy. Day 3.

What's up, Internet? There are so many reasons to smile today! I had guessed the name of the new prince! I love Prince George already! I'm smiling also because of great friends, because of my amazing dad, who I'm getting to spend LOTS of time with this summer, and because of crepes!

Good golly! I got the most amazing crepe recipe from Hannah Sparkles at ! Super easy and super yummy! Miam! (how the French say yum) I'm feeling so French today!

This is all it took! Many ingredients I already had, which is always nice!

What focus and concentration. What a beast.

What made you smile today? List five things you're thankful for!

à bientôt

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Am I rambling?

Day 2 of my blog challenge, and I'm already out of ideas and completely uninspired. I guess that's why it's challenging.

My serious thoughts today have been about being alone. Being alone isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially for a girl my age and in my circumstances. It's healthy. I'm learning things about myself. Things like, "Hayley, you're not very patient. You should work on that" and "you don't even have a boyfriend and your wedding Pinterest board is out of control. Maybe you should tone that shit down." I'm about to embark on the biggest adventure of my life where I will face being alone often. I want to be able to feel comfortable going on an adventure by myself and enjoy my own company, form my own opinions on places and people I visit, and be able to do whatever the hell I want. I think being alone will make me appreciate good company. I hate, despise, loathe not having a boyfriend, but today I met the most precious couple, who so evidently adored each other. I'm completely inspired to be more patient for my husband.

Here are today's not-so-serious ramblings:

I feel sorry for any baby born this week that isn't royal. I kind of feel sorry for myself because I'm not a royal baby, too. C'est la vie.

Twerking in the morning perfectly sets the mood for a good day. Try it. I have Miley Cyrus twerking level aspirations.

La vie en rose literally means life in pink in French. In other words, it means looking at life through rose colored glasses. Currently, that's my life's aim.

I want to know why a beer will put me to sleep in ten minutes but a ZzzQuil has no effect on me.

Happiness is a choice.

Today I'm thankful for: Nutella, beautiful friends, bright yellow nail polish, Panera Bread.

Yoga is hard.

I need someone to take me frog giggin'.

I'm never seeing The Conjuring. Nope. Not gonna happen.

Not satisfied with this blog post? Here's an embarrassing photo of a fat baby that may or may not be me. Spoiler: it's definitely me.

Musical inspiration: The Great Gatsby Soundtrack.

à bientôt

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 1 - because you've got to start somewhere.

My name is Hayley. I'm messy, unorganized, and impatient, and that's okay. I love traveling the world and sharing stories. This is my 30 day blog challenge. In essence, I want to get in the habit of writing down my thoughts and inspirations daily. Alors, allons-y!

Today, I've been thinking about joy, gratitude, and courage.

Joy. There's a jar of Nutella on my bedside table this morning. Talk about joy! For me, joy isn't made up of landmark moments of life but composed of all the little things that we stop and take notice of. Other components of my joy this week: bubble baths, adventures with my parents, clean laundry, beautiful weather! Google baby sloths. Boom. Instant joy.

Is it weird that Nutella is what reminded me to choose joy today?
Gratitude. Name five things you are thankful for daily. Take a mental note or write it down. The point is to practice gratitude, and gratitude takes practice. I am not naturally full of gratitude. Can I just say I'm extremely grateful for a summer at home with my dad? He is crazy!

Courage. This is tough. This is hard for me. I don't mean skydiving or that thing where the Redbull guy jumped out in space and fell to the earth. (Although that is completely badass. You should do that if you get the chance.) What I mean is act where courage applies to your life today. Apologize, make a move, step outside of your comfort zone. If we approach uncomfortable moments with an ounce of courage, big things can happen. So wear those green pants if you wanna. You're out of control, and everyone loves that about you!

Musical inspiration today: John Mayer's "Paper Doll" and The Neighbourhood's "Sweater Weather"

à bientôt